GUEST HOUSE MORAIMON ゲストハウスもらいもん 有田郡有田川町

Hi. My name is Mutsumi.
This is my guest house "Moraimon".
It takes about 50minutes by car from Kansai airport.
And about 15minutes from JR Fujinami station.
I can pick you up at the station.

In spring you can see beautiful cherry blossoms around here.
In summer you can swim in the river. It's only 1minutes from here.
In Autumn to Winter, you can see many Mikan (orange) trees around my house.
You can also experience fruit picking like Mikan & Hassaku, any kind of citrus.

There is a good Onsen (hot spring) close to my house. It takes 3minutes by car. 

You can eat Japanese countryside food at my guest house.
And you can also go to good cafes & restaurants in my town. I will give you some information about them

Please come & stay at my guest house.
Thank you.

1450 Yoshihara Aridagawa
Arida-gun,Wakayama Japan


和歌山県 有田郡 有田川町吉原1450

高野山~白浜や熊野古道へ行くのに 間で1泊
田舎ですが 太い道ちょい曲がったところにあって行きやすいので女子会にもお勧めです。


●和歌山刑務所 敷地内 白百合美容室 刑務作業協力事業部 和歌山地方事務所 和歌山県 和歌山市

●白浜町 才野 鴨居 漁港 白浜 磯釣り 和歌山県 西牟婁郡 南紀 熊野 ジオパーク Japanese Geoparks